Friday, March 27, 2009

Helmet Appointment

Nah, nah, nah, nah . . . . nah, nah, nah, nah . . . . hey eh eh . . . . goodbye! Brooke's helmet will be off in 2 weeks! Hallelujah! We went to the helmet doctor yesterday and he was very pleased with her progress. At first he said she could have it off now, but then he looked at her age and he hesitated and said that he's never taken a helmet off a patient as young as she is. He also said he has never had a patient regress so just to be safe he wants her to have it for another 2 weeks! She is down to 1 mm of assymmetry which they consider healed and her length to width ratio is 84%. He said they consider 83% and down ideal. He said her percentage might come down 1% more in the next 2 weeks but if it doesn't then that's no big deal!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hide and Seek

Brooke likes to cover her face with blankets . . . the silly little girl!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

My little pea face

Brooke tried her first green vegetable tonight and it was a hit. She gobbled up a good-size bowl of peas and would've eaten more if I had given it to her!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Big Girl Bottle

Now I guess I'm going to have to worry about Ryan and Brooke trying to steal my water bottle.

Brooke's First Boo Boo

I went to visit Brooke at lunch yesterday and Audrey rushed out on the front porch and said "it's been an awful morning!" She said Brooke had hurt herself and I could tell that Audrey was really stressed out about it. Audrey went upstairs to rinse out a bottle and Brooke started wailing in the basement. Audrey said she was crying, too, as she was consoling Brooke. She thinks Brooke rolled up against a post in her basement. As quickly as Brooke rolls now I can see how it would be very easy for her to hurt herself. I guess the helmet can't protect her from everything . . . but it has protected her from a lot because I watch her bonk her head all the time. So Brooke's first visible wound was a scrape on her nose. I have to admit that I'm not sad to have missed this "first" by Brooke!

Playing with Nana

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Golfing with Daddy

This was Brooke's first outing with daddy on the golf course!

Growing so fast

I can't believe that time is flying so fast. Brooke has her first little teeth poking through in the bottom of her mouth so now if she gets a hold of your finger it HURTS! I also had to move her crib down to a lower setting! It makes Mommy sad to see her little baby growing so fast! She has also started to make real sounds . . . she can say "da da da" when she chooses to, but she doesn't have any idea what it means yet.

Sausage Roll

I have to be careful if I walk away from Brooke when I've left her on a blanket. The first time she had any issues was when we were in Arkansas and I was making the bed and I heard her fussing but I figured she was just getting sick of tummy time and I went back in the room and she was completely rolled up in the blanket. I couldn't see her head or her feet. I had to unroll her three times before I could see any skin. This time wasn't as dramatic!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

First Real Food - Squash

I got up early before church and cooked Brooke a bunch of squash to be her first real food. The squash was much easier than I anticipated it to be. I just baked it and blended it. I was quite retarded and when I was blending my second batch I was Add Videohurrying to get it finished in time to make it to church so I was impatiently sticking a wooden spoon in my blender trying to get the thick squash to move to the bottom and I guess I put the spoon down to far and I pulled it up and a chunk of the spoon was missing. What a rookie mistake!! Then I saw little wood chunks in the squash so I had to throw it away . . . pretty aggravating . . . but pretty stupid too! Oh well! Of course I'm all ambitious now to make all of Brooke's food, but we'll see how long that lasts. Ryan fed her her first serving of squash and she seemed to like it.

6 month doctor's visit and helmet appointment

I guess I can start with the not exciting helmet appointment. Brooke's head only changed my 1 mm. I guess it's great that we are halfway there, but it was kind of disappointing to have awesome results after 1 week and not a lot of results after 3 weeks. But that's the nature of the beast. I asked the helmet guy to predict how long she would need to wear it and he thought probably 3 1/2 months total . . . which would mean 2 1/2 more months.

Brooke also had her 6 month doctor's visit. She now weighs 15 pounds 3 ounces and her length is 25 inches. So on her weight she is in the 38th percentile and on the length/height she is in the 33rd percentile. So her figures have definitely fallen off what they were but the doctor said that is normal around the 6 month mark because they get much more active.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

6 Months Old

Our precious baby girl is 6 months old and it has gone by so quickly. I'm just thankful for every moment we've had with her!