Monday, August 24, 2009

Trying to Walk

She's getting a little better on her walking attempts. The farthest she has made it is 12 steps.

Trying to Walk from Jaira Grathwohl on Vimeo.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Kissing on the Cousin

Brooke and I went to Kansas City to visit her cousins. And yes, Brooke's cousin, Hadley, who is a month younger is already walking . . . and has been for a few weeks!

Cousins from Jaira Grathwohl on Vimeo.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Our Dancing Queen

I couldn't decide which one to post so I posted them both. Her serious face when she "dances" cracks me up!

Dancing from Jaira Grathwohl on Vimeo.

Dancing 2 from Jaira Grathwohl on Vimeo.

Playing with Daddy

Playing with Daddy from Jaira Grathwohl on Vimeo.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Brooke Trying to Walk

Brooke is getting close to walking but she hasn't quite figured out the whole balance thing. She is able to string several steps together so she has definitely officially taken her first steps. She has started to let go of furniture and venture a few steps on her own. It's really fun to watch her try and then do a face plant! Luckily she's a good sport about it.

Brooke trying to walk from Jaira Grathwohl on Vimeo.

Monday, August 3, 2009

11 Months Old

Our precious peanut is 11 months old today and the time has flown by. She is pulling up on everything and cruising around but she isn't steady at all on her own. She'll probably be walking before we know it. But she is definitely getting into everything. Her new favorite thing is to turn the tv off and on and mess with the dvd player . . . neither of which we approve of!

Baby Madness

The Virginia lake trip was so much fun because there was always a baby to love on!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

First Trip to the Beach

While in Virginia we also made a trip to the beach in Wilmington, NC to see Brooke's Aunt get married. Brooke enjoyed her first trip to the beach.

Fun at the Lake

Brooke really enjoyed swimming at the lake. In fact I think she felt a little too comfortable in the water. Ryan and I were down at the water and Poppy brought her down in all her clothes so we just decided to take her swimming in the buff. Ryan was splashing around in the water with the other kids and Brooke and I were towards the shore. I was sitting in the water and Brooke was standing in it about to her waste. All of a sudden I see some suspicious round balls float up around me. It took me a minute to realize what they were. I think picked Brooke up and she had a guilty brown smudge on her rear end!! Better in a lake than a pool! :)