Monday, July 25, 2011

Miss Messy Face

My girls

So I've completely fallen off the wagon on posting as well as taking pictures of the girls as life has just been a whole lot busier. So here are some assorted pics.

This is Brenna's funny face!

Brooke's pigtails:

Brooke Making Brenna Laugh

Brooke has been a wonderful big sister! She laughs making her little sis laugh!

Brooke Making Brenna Laugh from Jaira Grathwohl on Vimeo.

Crawling Brenna

Crawling Brenna from Jaira Grathwohl on Vimeo.

Mozart in the Making

Mozart in the Making from Jaira Grathwohl on Vimeo.


I am so behind on posting here which is why I'm posting Easter pics in July! Better late than never! Papa and Nana G had a good Easter egg hunt for Brooke and she loved it!

Bouncing Brenna

Bouncing Brenna from Jaira Grathwohl on Vimeo.

Silly Bren

Brenna likes to get into anything she can reach.

Fun at Flipz 2 from Jaira Grathwohl on Vimeo.

Fun at Flipz

Flipz is a gymnastics place where kids have birthday parties. Several of Brooke's friends have had birthday parties there and the kids always have a blast.

Fun at Flipz 2 from Jaira Grathwohl on Vimeo.

Fun at Flipz from Jaira Grathwohl on Vimeo.

Look Alike?

Everyone always asks if Brooke and Brenna look alike. Some days I think they do and other days I don't think so. Judge for yourself. Here are both girls sporting a cute hat from Sherrill Schlimpert.
Who is who?

The last two pics are of Brenna!

Reading Together

Brenna Rolling Over

Here is a grouchy Brenna rolling over.

Brenna rolling over from Jaira Grathwohl on Vimeo.