Monday, January 26, 2009

Helmet scan

So Brooke and I finally had her appointment to get scanned for her helmet. She was supposed to have her appointment last Monday, but the guys was sick and ended up being out all last week. So we got in there and the guy took some more measurements of her head and he said she has grown since he measure her last, but that her asymmetry is now 12 mm instead of 11 mm. He admitted that he might have measured a little looser this time, but the fact remains that she definitely hasn't improved. That really helped to give me a sense of peace about the helmet since I still have people telling me that they knew kids who had flat heads and did NOT get helmets and they turned out fine. So I really feel like a helmet is the best course of action for Brooke so she won't be mad at us when she gets older.

I was very impressed with how high-tech the process was. I had read online that they make a mold of the child's head . . . but Bo Co Mo (Boone County, Missouri, that is) does it with style. The guy tied this white sock-type thing around her head . . .

. . . then he put a small, black hair-cutting type apron on her . . .

. . . and he proceeded to scan her head like you would a bar code. I was pretty impressed. I would look behind me at the computer and it was popping up clay-type looking models of her head and face. It even showed her pacifier in her mouth. It was a quick and painless process so I was thankful for that. I guess the pictures above will give us a pretty good idea of how she'll look with a helmet on. I'll miss seeing her fluffy hair! The helmet should be ready some time next week! Until then, I'll savor every kiss I get on her precious little head!

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