Friday, January 9, 2009

Disappointing 4 month doctor visit

I took Brooke to the doctor for her 4 month doctor visit. She now weighs 13 pounds, 14 ounces which has her at the 60th percentile on weight. She now measures 24 inches long which puts her in the 50th percentile on height. Her head cirumference is 41 1/2 cm which puts her in the 50-75th percentile on head circumference.

Now her little head is causing her mother much heartache. Due to her sleep habits the back of her head has been flattening out and the doctor dropped the bomb that Brooke would need to wear a helmet. I'm trying to have a good attitude about it but the thought that I won't be able to snuggle my precious peanut and kiss her head brings tears to my ears. I've been informed that it's similar to a football helmet and that she'll have to wear it for 23 hours a day for potentially the next 8 months. I guess the situation is what it is and there is a reason for everything, so we have to make the best of it. The good thing is that her brain development is in no way impeded by any of this! I'm sure it will just take a lot of getting used to!

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