Monday, October 27, 2008

Daddy Drop Off

In order to be able to squeeze in a morning run without dragging the bambino out in the cold, I thought it could work nicely if Ryan was the one to drop Brooke off in the morning at our babysitter's on his way out of town. In order to make it as easy as possible on him I had packed up all of Brooke's daily supplies in her diaper bag and loaded them in his car. So I woke up at 4:50 AM, fed Brooke, put her back to sleep and then got dressed and ready to meet my running buddy at 5:30 AM. We had a great morning run and I hopped in the shower at 6:35 in order to make it to work. So about an hour later I talked to Ryan and asked him how it went! He said he didn't know if he would be able to drop her off again because it took a long time. I asked him what the deal was since all he needed to do was get her out of her crib and load her in her pumpkin seat and drop her off. Ryan said it started off poorly when he got up to her room and it smelled like a dumpster. He said he couldn't very well show up at the babysitters with a stinky daughter and look like a bad dad. So he said he changed her diaper and got distracted and lost track of time because she was being all smiley and cute and he couldn't tear himself away. Then he said he finally got her loaded in the car and he listened to her filling her britches the whole way over to drop her off (our daughter definitely doesn't have any elimination problems)! When I went to visit her during lunch she was all smiles!

1 comment:

Audrey said...

Gosh! What a cutie!