Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Expanding Vocabulary

I know every parent thinks so, but Brooke is sharp. She seems to have a pretty big vocabularly for a 14 1/2 month old. She says a lot of words - more, hot, passy, knock (when she is knocking on a door), back (when we tell her to put something back), duck, baby, milk (she was trying to pick up a gallon last night and it was hilarious), basket, bucket, eye, nigh night, cracker, Baxter (Jen's dog), Men which is how she says Fin which is my sister's cat, . . . The list goes on and on. It is getting more and more fun to watch her learn. She also knows all of her facial features (even though she doesn't act like it in the video) and she's learning animals sounds.

Learning from Jaira Grathwohl on Vimeo.

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