Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hurting Mommy's Feelings

Aunt Mei Mei went with me to pick Brooke up during our lunch break because Audrey had her down at the church. So Mei Mei went and grabbed Brooke out of Audrey's arms and was walking out with her. Mei Mei wanted to duck into the bookstore and grab something so I offered to take Brooke and Brooke made it clear she didn't want her mommy to take her. So I followed them to the bookstore and Mei Mei was trying to pay so I took Brooke to get her loaded in the car and Brooke started crying. Not just whimpering or complaining, but full on crying. Tears were streaming down her face and you would've thought that I was hurting her. So she cried and cried until Mei Mei jumped in the backseat with her and then she was happy as a clam. Talk about a dagger through mommy's heart!!

These pics are a few weeks old, but cute!

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