Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Snow and Sledding

We woke up on Christmas Eve day to a lot of snow. We were lazy all day but then after Brooke's afternoon nap we decided we needed to try some sledding. Ryan went out and was shoveling the sidewalk and I was getting Brooke bundled up to play. She woke up from her nap a mess and was crying about everything. It took me forever to get her gloves on because she kept crying and I was losing my temper. I wanted to scrap the whole idea because I figured she'd fall down in the snow and cry and want to come back in. We didn't have a sled so we called Poppy and he said he'd bring his over. Again, I figured Brooke would be over the snow by the time Poppy made it over, but I was definitely wrong. She got outside and loved it. Playing in the snow:

Playing in the snow from Jaira Grathwohl on Vimeo.

Poppy pulling Brooke on the sled:

Pulled on the sled from Jaira Grathwohl on Vimeo.

I decided that I didn't want to miss out on the sledding action so I bundled Brenna in the stroller and we all went. Here is Brenna all bundled:

So we get down to the hill at the end of our street and I'm at the bottom with Brenna and Ryan and Poppy are at the top with Brooke. They asked if I was ready to film and I said yes and they said they were ready to go except Brooke was the only one sitting on the sled. I said, "you aren't sending her down by herself are you?" and they said "yes". I said, "what, she's 2 years old!" They assured me she'd be fine. So her first trip down was pretty slow and she loved it. After that she acted like a pro. I was so impressed with her. We had a blast.

Brooke Sledding from Jaira Grathwohl on Vimeo.

Here she is riding with Poppy, but it wasn't fast enough for her liking:

Sledding with Poppy from Jaira Grathwohl on Vimeo.

1 comment:

dan and elise said...

Dan and I are VERY impressed. That was quite a bit of speed and a big hill. WOW. She put the Deeble girls sledding to shame.