Thursday, November 18, 2010

Trick or Treat

At daycare Brooke learned about trick or treating so I figured we'd need to give it a shot this year. Brooke was super cute. She had to ring the doorbell (in fact at one house the lady opened the door without her getting to ring the doorbell and Brooke got upset so the lady was nice enough to close the door and let Brooke ring the bell), then she would say "trick or treat". It was really cute. We hit up about 10 houses on our street. Papa and Nana (G) came over and went with us. Papa was her "wheels" and carried her between most of the houses. Brenna even went along for the ride, but she was knocked out against my chest in a baby carrier.

Here is Brooke in her giraffe costume (she couldn't see out very well):

Here is Brooke practicing to go:

Trick or Treat Practice from Jaira Grathwohl on Vimeo.

Here is Papa carrying her around:

Here is Brooke doing her thing:

Trick or Treat from Jaira Grathwohl on Vimeo.

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